Leftshift’s Weblog

Techniques to improve your code

The 56 Complexity Point Dash

Tracking your progress is traditionally done through the use of burn up / burn down charts. I’d like to suggest an alternative – The Sprint.

A Sprint Chart
As you can see it resembles a real race where the length of the course is the sum of the complexity points you intend to deliver for that sprint.

The running line up is:

Lane 1 [Green] : The Pacemaker. Each day she runs the same amount and crosses the finish line at the end of the sprint.

Lane 2 [Red] : You / your team. Every time you complete a feature you can move your runner forward by that amount.

Lane 3…N [Blue and Yellow] : You / your team for the last N sprints. Progress as measured in a previous sprint.

If this information is captured every day, it’d be fairly trivial to track your progress in a visual manner. Simply printing each day and flipping the pages would give you an animated view of your progress throughout the sprint. You can see how far off the pace you are and how you are doing compared to previous sprints. You could even create an animation and send it to the team each day.

1 May 2008 Posted by | Metrics | , | Leave a comment